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March 12, 2014
Town of Princeton    PLANNING BOARD -- Regular Meeting -- March 12, 2014

7:05 PM  The meeting was opened by Chairman Tom Daly. Present were: Jon Fudeman and John Mirick. Absent were Ann Neuburg and Richard Bisk

The board voted all in favor to approve minutes of March 5, 2014

The board had voted all in favor at its March 5 meeting to approve the site plan for 2 Mountain Road with six conditions. The three members present signed the site plan for Bill Gagnier-- which is to be recorded.

Chairman Daly accepted a citizens’ petition forwarded from the BOS, which calls for a new, reduced Business Zone boundary in the Worcester Road area. A public hearing for the zoning change article proposed in the petition will be April 2. John M. explained the purpose of the public hearing that is required of any zoning change.

It was noted that the CMRPC annual dues of $863.86 had been set for FY’15.

8:10 PM  Jon F. recused himself and discussion followed concerning zoning boundaries on Worcester Road. Sean Conway, 5 Hickory Drive, asked about procedures at the ATM concerning zoning articles.

Tom D. had prepared wording for the article on Bus. District map corrections. Elizabeth Newell, the owner of the 20 acre parcel on the east side of Worcester Road, will be notified of the proposed citizens’ petition which changes her parcel from Business to R-A.

8:25 PM  Board voted to adjourn

Respectfully Submitted:   Marie Auger, admin. assistant

Referenced Documents:  Worcester Road citizens’ petition; zoning maps; draft of Town Warrant Articles;  Bus. District map corrections; Site Plan for 2 Mountain Road.

Marie Auger
Administrative Assistant
Planning Department